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Favorite Episode of Series 3

Monday, 15 October 2007

Series 3 Soundtrack Track Listing

The track listing for the forthcoming Series Three soundtrack has been unveiled.

1. All the Strange, Strange Creatures (The Trailer Music)
2. Martha's Theme
3. Drowning Dry
4. The Carrionites Swarm
5. Gridlocked Cassinis
6. Boe
7. Evolution of the Daleks
8. My Angel put the Devil in Me (performed by Yamit Mamo)
9. Mr Smith and Joan
10. Only Martha Knows
11. Smith's Choice
12. Just Scarecrows to War
13. Miss Joan Redfern
14. The Dream of a Normal Death
15. The Doctor Forever
16. Blink
17. The Runaway Bride
18. After the Chase
19. The Futurekind
20. YANA (Excerpt)
21. The Master Vainglorious
22. Martha's Quest
23. This is Gallifrey: Our Childhood, Our Home
24. Martha Triumphant
25. Donna's Theme
26. The Stowaway (performed by Yamit Mamo)
27. The Master Tape
28. Abide With Me

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